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Company type

Medium enterprise

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

Via Pietro Zia 29, Cerrione (BI) 13882, Italy

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

+39 0152528600 / info@de-martini.com / https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-martini-s.p.a./



Product / Service

Filters with controlled capillarity


Manufacturing of filters with controlled capillarity

Company profile

De Martini has been working in the field of textile production since 1960 in Cerrione (Biella), the heart of one of the major European textile districts. At the beginning of the seventies, thanks to the experience gained in the processing of synthetic fibres, they faced a new challenge and began to produce filters with controlled capillarity used as tanks in writing instruments, in the field of cosmetics, and in environmental fragrance. De Martini SpA therefore focuses totally on the design and production of filters with controlled capillarity, giving great impetus to new applications and new markets. Today, we manufacture and distribute acetate, polyester, and polypropylene fiber filters and supply the world’s largest manufacturers of writing instruments, fragrance or diffusion devices for the environment, cosmetic products, and other special applications.


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