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Po.in.tex is an association and Città Studi S.p.A. is its managing organisation.

Po.in.tex government bodies are:

  • The assembly, which includes representatives of all Clusters’ members.
  • The Steering committee, composed by entrepreneurs that come from different realities in terms of company size and business profile. This choice has the aim to express an application-oriented focus on the activities of innovation and animation.

A representative from the Local Industrial Association is also present at all meetings.

Steering committee

Ettore Piacenza

Fratelli Piacenza – Steering commitee President – Textile Area

Marco Bardelle

Tintoria Finissaggio 2000 – Textile Area

Dario Casalini

Maglificio Po – Textile Area

Lorenzo Monteleone

Nuova Cosmatex – Machinery Manufactures Area

Pier Ettore Pellerey

Città Studi Biella – Representative of the managing organisation