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ITS per le nuove tecnologie per il Made in Italy. TESSILE ABBIGLIAMENTO MODA

Company type

Foundation/ High institute of technology

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

Legal headquarter: Corso Pella 2 Biella 

operational headquarter: Corso Pella 10 Biella

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

328 1509990 – segreteria@itstambiella.it



Product / Service

training and research


Training and Research for the Supply Textiles, Fashion & Clothing Chain

Company profile

ITS are special schools of technology that constitute a post-secondary educational channel, parallel to academic paths, with the aim of training superior technicians in the strategic technological areas for the economic development and competitiveness of the Italian system. The courses of the ITS TAM in Biella for two years are dedicated to the New Technologies for Made in Italy: Textiles, Clothing, Fashion and are related to all areas of the Textile production chain


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