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Company type

Small enterprise

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

Legal headquarter: Via Bicchieraia,2 – 59013 Montemurlo (PO)

operational headquarter: Via Garigliano 10/12 – 59013 Montemurlo (PO)

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

3396007881 – michael@methex.it



Product / Service

Orthogonal fabrics


warping, weaving

Company profile

Methex Srl offers warping and weaving services with flat and jacquard looms. Thanks to our specialized team we offer both sampling and production services, in the field of furniture and clothing. We are GRS certified, recognized as the most important international standard for the sustainable production of garments and textile products from recycled material, and GOTS, that certifies textile products made from natural fibers from organic farming.


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