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Company type

Small enterprise

Address (legal and operational headquarters)

via Milano, 16 – 13856 VIGLIANO BIELLESE (BI)

Contact details (phone number, email, LinkedIn)

stefano.fasana@domina-biella.it ; laura.boerio@domina-biella.it – +39 015 2477061



Product / Service

IT provider specialized in innovative and customized software solutions for companies. Leader in Textiles & Clothing.


IT provider for the Textile companies

Company profile

Domina is an IT provider specialized in innovative and customized software solutions for companies. Leader in the Textile & Clothing sector, it expands its intervention range to manufactures and SMEs with customized and user-friendly application packages, which are accompanied by targeted consulting services for optimization of production processes and digital switches. Domina has extensive experience in EU-funded design, and is active in the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe frameworks.


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