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Development of a new drafting system for woolen ring spinning machine


Cps.Tex Srl


The development of a new drive box: a drafting system for woolen ring spinning machines. With this system, the existing spinning machines will be more competitive from a technical point of view, as well as eco-innovative and eco-efficient, with a favorable quality/price ratio.


Filatura Bertoglio Sas


The drive box developed within this project may be installed on all existing spinning machines while maintaining the drive shafts originai positions and con allow:
– on energetic saving in the final machine
– a sustainable final product (Carbon Footprint reduction)
– a reduction of pollution (no need to use oils or syn- thetic fats), improvement of security and hygiene conditions, noise reduction
– the certification of the machinery
– a better quality of the yarn
The developed drive box may be installed on any type of a ring spinning machine, it con be on-line programmed and con give real time feedback on production and consumption of the spinning ma­chine. Twist and count changing and corrections con be done without any wheel-gears change. The drive box is very user-friendly and the software is de­veloped in textile language and is compatible with Windows® systems.



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